Tag: Toy

Several Deluxe assortment Transformers from the soon-to-be-released Siege line now have product pages on Amazon for US customers. These go beyond wave 1, and quite possibly even beyond wave 2, though we have very little information on what’s even to be part of the second wave right now. If you’d like to preorder these for yourself, keep reading for product links to each of the new toys. Read More

Even when I thought this would be some kind of heavy retool of Jazz (before we saw photos, naturally) I was really enthusiastic for this toy. Despite my hopes of an affordable Counterpunch combiner limb being dashed, I can’t say that the Punch/Counterpunch we got did not greatly exceed my expectations for it! Read More

I don’t even like this toy. I didn’t like it as Moonracer, and I still don’t like it as Firestar (renamed for trademark purposes, of course). But damn if it isn’t photogenic. The reasonably poseable robot mode is also just expressive enough to look interesting, and boy do those colors pop. I just wish I liked the toy more on its own merits. Read More