Is this Photober… in December? No! This is the Play With Photography Toy Photography Advent Calendar (2021)! A daily dose of toy photography from December 1st through Christmas Day! …which is basically just Photober in December, yes.
I had in fact wanted to do Photober again this year. And then in August I got hit with a jury duty summons. And in my county, that puts you on the hook for an entire month. So the month of September which I would otherwise have used to prepare Photober content suddenly got claimed out from under me. But having to watch October go by without being able to carry out my project once again left me feeling regretful and I kept trying to figure out how to salvage it. Mostly taking the form of trying to make photography puns out of other month names. Unsuccessfully. Then one day something clicked in my head, and I started considering a different direction.
See, for several years now, one of my favorite holiday traditions has been the collaboration of ashens and Nerdcubed every December, where they have a silly advent calendar competition on Youtube. It’s such a delight those 25 days of December to spend 5 minutes and see what bizarre thing, utter trash, or sometimes somehow both they’ll pull out of their respective calendars each day. The answer to my own dilemma suddenly seemed to be so clearly before me, I couldn’t understand how I hadn’t seen it before.
And so, it is my sincere hope and wish that you’ll join me here from now to Christmas, as I present a new mini gallery every day highlighting things of special relevance or interest to me, or even just some things I think will be interesting to share. It’ll be fun! And I’m sure none of the choices will just be there to have filled empty days on the calendar sheet….