Unfortunately the camera situation hasn’t changed since last time, but now I’ve got a new Patreon tier for anyone interested in helping out.
Today I’ve launched the Camera Crew tier on Patreon as a new way for anyone looking to pitch in towards replacing my malfunctioning hardware. Camera Crew comes in at $15 monthly – at that price, I’d only need about 20 people to join for just one month to reach the minimum goal for camera replacement. And right now that’s actually all I’m asking for. The only perk I can offer besides that I’ll resume producing content is a permanent addition to the credits image on future galleries, whether you continue to support at the Camera Crew tier or not. But if you want to support on an ongoing basis, I’m happy to listen to suggestions from my patrons about what kind of rewards they’d like to see as we go forward.
If you do decide to pitch in at the Camera Crew tier, and continue that support monthly, that money will go towards future equipment needs. Things like lenses, lighting, accessories, software, or anything that might be needed to help make and keep galleries continuing to happen on a regular basis.
I’m so anxious to get this downtime behind me and get back to taking photos and bringing you more photo shoots and galleries. Appeals like this are the only option I have available to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. If you’re able to, I hope you’ll consider pitching in even if just as a one-time contribution. And of course if you want to continue support after the first month, you could always step down to one of the lower support tiers. Every little bit from every single person matters and means a lot to me!