Two more mini galleries roll in this afternoon, featuring some interesting entries in the Mega Construx Heroes Call of Duty lineup. Read More
Two more mini galleries roll in this afternoon, featuring some interesting entries in the Mega Construx Heroes Call of Duty lineup. Read More
I do actually like things other than Transformers! One of the indulgences I allow myself on a semi-regular basis are the micro action figures from Mega Construx. I actually have quite a lot of them. Some are of course from building sets, but many are individual purchases. The “Heroes” series in particular can be great impulse-purchase fodder with the Call of Duty lineup in particular giving some interesting choices. Read More
I’ve opened a Patreon today to help fund operations on the site. While my writings about concepts in toy photography come with no cost except for years of my life, picking up toys to show off does indeed rack up some bills. Keep reading to find out more about the campaign and what your money would be going towards. Read More
It’s a delight to be able to bring you perhaps the very first in-hand photo gallery of the new Voyager Megatron from Transformers Siege! Previously the closest contact anyone has had was the select few invited to events like SDCC and New York Comic Con where the toys could be viewed in person on display, but with this assortment starting to make its way to retail in the United States, we can go for a much more involved examination of the toy. There’s 88 photos waiting for you in the gallery… Read More
Several Deluxe assortment Transformers from the soon-to-be-released Siege line now have product pages on Amazon for US customers. These go beyond wave 1, and quite possibly even beyond wave 2, though we have very little information on what’s even to be part of the second wave right now. If you’d like to preorder these for yourself, keep reading for product links to each of the new toys. Read More
Taking the leap and upgrading from your smartphone’s camera to a dedicated piece of hardware is an important decision – and a potentially expensive one! I don’t think that everyone needs to go right away and make this investment, since the recent generations of phone cameras can potentially be quite capable. But when you decide it is time, you want to make sure that you’re putting your money in the right place, especially if this is the first time you’ve really given the matter serious consideration. In this article, I’ll talk about some of the things to look for, some of my recommendations, and where to go to do more research. Read More
If you know what you’re doing, you can get good photos out of almost any camera. And I spent a lot of time, across a range of cameras with almost no clue what I was doing. But I eventually got better. This is a story about the cameras that got me to where I am today, and how I progressed in photography along the way. It’s a long, and mostly not-pretty journey… Read More
Even when I thought this would be some kind of heavy retool of Jazz (before we saw photos, naturally) I was really enthusiastic for this toy. Despite my hopes of an affordable Counterpunch combiner limb being dashed, I can’t say that the Punch/Counterpunch we got did not greatly exceed my expectations for it! Read More
The long awaited final member of the Monsterbot trio in the Deluxe class, made a special “premium” style release among a trio of retrospective-ish releases bringing up the tail end of Power of The Primes. It’s actually pretty impressive in a number of ways, especially when you take the whole group together as a whole now! Read More
Especially in toy photography, most of the time your subject isn’t going to naturally fill the frame. So what should you do with the empty space around the edges? Should we rely on cropping, or try for better composition? Read More